Good day everyone it's a beautiful and almost perfect day and I hope you are all having fun.Today I want to talk about the imperfect woman.As we all know no one is perfect, we all have one flaw or another. Most men however expect certain things of their partners, lack of it could cause strains in the relationship.Seeing some otherwise detestable character in your girlfriend could be quite disappointing ,although I do believe that love can erase most if not all flaws a lady could have. Acceptance is key in every relationship, between friends and colleagues and also lovers.You need to understand you both have differing backgrounds and totally different lives until you came together, so she might not be your type of "perfect".To deal with things you normally can't tolerate though you might find this tips quite useful. #Talk to her about it, just tell her the things you would really want her to change. If it's something she might find off...
Relationship tips and random musings