Ever wondered why the longest relationships cause so many ripples if and when it's about to end? The beautiful Jordin had her share three(3) years after being in a seemingly loving relationship with Jason, the phone break-up, car return and rumours of Jason feeling compelled to get married. Both parties can get on the defensive and lash out at each other, get dis-stabilized for a while, fall ill, get bitter etc...basically though this is simply what happens: they have been together for so long and they have forgotten how to be alone. Being in love can be quite fun most of the time our brain stops taking decisions for us and our heart takes over. Moving in together, having sex on an everyday basis, combining finances are some of the incorrect decisions our hearts are bound to make. This usually turns out disastrous when the end hits. There are ways to keep tabs on our emotions to prevent our hearts from being completely shattered if you (or the other partner) wants o...
Relationship tips and random musings