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Ever wondered why the longest relationships cause so many ripples if and when it's about to end? The beautiful Jordin had her share three(3) years after being in a seemingly loving relationship with Jason, the phone break-up, car return and rumours of Jason feeling compelled to get married. Both parties can get on the defensive and lash out at each other, get dis-stabilized for a while, fall ill, get bitter etc...basically though this is simply what happens: they have been together for so long and they have forgotten how to be alone.
 Being in love can be quite fun most of the time our brain stops taking decisions for us and our heart takes over. Moving in together, having sex on an everyday basis, combining finances are some of the incorrect decisions our hearts are bound to make. This usually turns out disastrous when the end hits. There are ways to keep tabs on our emotions to prevent our hearts from being completely shattered if you (or the other partner) wants out:
  • Don't take rash decisions: yes your mind tells you to go with the flow...let love rule blah blah blah, I am not saying you should get extremely cautious and suspicious(like me) but take a chill pill. Don't introduce him/her to friends or family who might begin to pressure you when the relationship is off.  Keep it light for a while.
  • Don't assume: somewhere in my previous articles I have said this and I am repeating it...don't ever assume." He's my fiance", "we are getting married when things get better" all these sort of assumptions seem to rule relationships today. However, when those expectations ain't forthcoming this leads to extreme hurt and disappointment. I believe in asking questions, defining what you are into. You could be in a relationship with someone for five(5) years without him/her having plans of marrying you.
  • Be vigilant and smart: any change in style or sudden character change in your partner shouldn't be over looked. Ask questions, don't think he/she might be cheating-know if they are. This is so everything doesn't go KABOOM!!! in your face all at one, afterall there's no smoke without fire.
  • Don't build your life around one person: what I mean is don't make someone the center of your universe, "you can hardly breathe if he isn't there", "you expect to be her everything". The truth is you are one individual and being in love doesn't magically double you. Live your life with your friends and family just like before, don't shut everyone out just because you are in love. Experience shows it hurts even more if you are just trying to re-connect with people you shut out after a relationship ends.
  • Lastly I ask you not to expect too much. Be simple minded in your expectations.
I hope this article was a bit interesting please get back to me on facebook, have a great week ahead.


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