Well tomorrow some of us would go out and vote for whoever we think is the right person for our Presidential seat. I have nothing against any candidate but so many issues with both campaign teams. They make silly posters, stupid advert and to crown it up write extremely unrealistic speeches (*for I hate to imagine Buhari or Jonathan are the ones cooking up those empty promises speech).
I would like to state however that we shouldn't fool ourselves and don't let their stupidity swindle us: what 756,890 jobs are they providing when foreigners still own the biggest and best companies in Nigeria, what do they mean by giving our entrepreneurial opportunities when some of the so called graduates turn up every Friday night instead of reading their books and still pass because they sleep with the dean. How many of us really know and understand what corruption is? The head (ie President ) can only lead by example but we should all play our roles. Stop corruption by refusing to bribe NEPA officials and try to pay your bills, don't bribe or sleep your way to the top. Give the new president the opportunity to work with less corrupt citizenry. Let Nigeria work little by little, change first and let's hope whoever wins changes the system too.
Noh be miracle ooo , na all of us need change.
Personally I'm enjoying this "empowered and liberated"/"I'm more than my body" power tussle women are engaging in. I mean in one breathe we mention how we're empowered, liberated, not bound by traditional norms and cultures so we're free to flaunt our bodies, keyword "our" specifically to remind the men not to advise us on modesty. Then as soon as men start to objectify women and talk about how the ass looks perfect to be tapped, we jump on the train of " I am more than a body". Sis for the life of me I don't get us. What are we on about? First of all if you're a model, Onlyfans star, porn actress (and other similar careers), body activist, artiste, actress I totally understand why your full breast/ass is outside. The others though, WHAT IN THE BEJESUS HELL IS THAT? Queens forget the whole liberation talk let's face it, we have the stage. We can be out here talking about fighting domestic violence among...
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