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Should we let love judge us, choose for us, change us or even chain us.
Several people think they ought to change their thinking, actions, characters to suite their lovers'. I am not saying you don't bend, but how much?
I think changing or losing your friends because of a relationship is the greatest mishap. If he/she has misgivings about your friends, sit and talk about it. You can create a middle ground (e.g keeping a little distance if you understand your partners fears or bringing him/her and your friends a little closer so he/she can get to know them more)
Let your partner understand and appreciate your individuality. You were someone prior to meeting him/her and that person still needs to breathe.
‪#‎love‬ ‪#‎relationshipadvice‬ ‪#‎realtalk‬ ‪#‎loveadvice‬ ‪#‎breathe‬ ‪#‎friendship‬ #100%


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