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Let me tell you the story of one Yoruba god. It is Obba...the goddess of marriage, domestic things and meekness. She was breathtakingly beautiful the story says, after all she was the daughter of Yemoja. Her husband the valiant king of the Oyo Empire Sango, god of thunder, war fighter, strong and a man after the heart of many a maiden, he was the beginning and end of her. A tale that shows that love existed even in the days when the gods ruled the earth and that rivalry is usually atop a woman’s heart.

Sango the valiant had married Obba, Oshun and Oya but for some reason he desired Oshun more. This of course led to a rivalry and the ever meek Obba lost all ideas on how to keep her beloved husband in her bed or keep her thoughts in his head. In a drastic move she sought the advice of her very rival Oshun the apple of the King god's eye.
She asked in desperation "my fellow wife, please tell me how is it the king is always with you? How do you make him love you so?" Oshun must have smiled in her heart and said her next words sarcastically and out of spite "I cut off my right ear" she said "I put it in a soup and ever since he tasted it, he would want none other". However sarcastic she sounded, the joke was lost on our pretty queen who went ahead and did just that.

Sad day it was for she went ahead and made a soup with her ear for the king and when he saw an human ear floating above the potage he just could not believe his eyes. In a fit of rage which we all know should not be fun from a god of thunder (and lightening) he sent poor Obba away. Obba was devastated beyond words, she lay down somewhere along the road and her sadness overwhelmed her. She literally cried a river for she turned to one, the River Obba that runs through Iwo.
Till this day it can be heard at that spot two rivers still fighting for a man long gone. For Oshun also turned into a river and their waters meet, it is at the point of meeting you can clearly hear clashing and loud arguments (if only you’d listen closely).

PS: this is a personal version of one Yoruba myth. No evidence whatsoever to these stories but who needs that?


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