Yay! So it’s a new year and as typical Nigerians our sentiment levels have skyrocketed. Suddenly everyone’s optimistic for the New year and we all seem to have goals only 2020 can inspire us to work on. First, I hate sentiments and I hate fake mirth…so this period is not exciting for me based on secular reasoning. I am genuinely grateful that I am alive this morning to type, to feel, to want, to have a clear head(a great blessing in my case) but I have no sentimental desires for the New Year, mainly due to the fact that years prior I have acted as the typical Nigerian and set resolutions, desires, plans, weight loss goals, to-do lists and what not and at each I have failed. Woefully. So I decided that it takes more than a date change to inspire a sister. I am a very practical soul and I only believe things proven by science or experience (my experience). So I am going to be sharing some tips on how to better ourselves this year based on my findings from a self-survey in 2...
Relationship tips and random musings