I am a very practical soul and I only believe
things proven by science or experience (my experience). So I am going to be
sharing some tips on how to better ourselves this year based on my findings
from a self-survey in 2019.
First in everything you do be KIND. As in say hi to strangers you pass by on the street, gift a beggar that loose change, buy something for your colleagues, be extra courteous, bite your tongue when you are about to make that salty comment about someone, compliment someone’s looks…just be nice. It’s not just good for the receiver, it helps you feel good about yourself and sets the mood for a good time.
Be INTENTIONAL, you prayed 31st night for a holiday trip abroad and you are still going to spend all your salary leaving nothing behind, be there ooo. You are just “jonzing’, I get miracles happen but people let’s be intentional, so we do not get disappointed when those dreams aren’t actualized. Save up for your dream trip, prepare for that exam you’re about to write, learn something new about your dream job, send out those CVs, put in effort. Also, do not wait for any date to be intentional about anything, start now. The internet is your friend use it to your advantage, there are online piggybanks, travel planning agencies, online exam tutorials, Nairaland(yea I said it, it’s a learning hub and info center). Plus even if you do not succeed you have succor in the fact that you tried.
Be SELFISH about your space. Toxic people, leeches, the “constantly-brooding-sad-complaining” prototypes please let them all out. Stay away from anyone and situation that affects how you see yourself or your sanity. It’s not even something you can compromise on. I hardly block people, but I had to block some of my friends last year. I just knew it had to be done and I have slept more soundly since I did. I mean it was difficult to intentionally cut people off, but it had to be done. Every encounter with these folks left me doubting my existence and though toxic people always claim not to “know what they are doing wrong” even at that it’s not your place to teach them, let them be. Be very selfish with yourself.
Put positive and legit PRESSURE on yourself…I get this phrase often “don’t put pressure on yourself” but my people if you don’t pressure yourself the world will, who better to put the heat on you than yourself. Set your eyes on a goal and go for it with everything you’ve got, pressure and all. When I first got a job, I was overwhelmed, traffic, work stress etc. I totally stopped blogging, writing or doing any of the things I had passion for, my excuse? “I can’t come and go and kill myself”. In truth though my body has the capacity to work 10 hours and still spare an hour to read, write or do any other thing other than sleep. 2019 was the year of pushing myself to limits my mind had created and it was super fun, plus I didn’t die of exhaustion. So I guess my point is push yourself, don’t assume you can’t until you try. Your body and mind would amaze you, they are willing to work put them to the test.
“To thine own self be TRUE”. Don’t try to change your “good’ core values for anyone. It doesn’t last and only affects you in the wrong way. As for me, I am a “weird nerd” and I am owning that sh#t, I don’t care about heels and flashy looks, I would rather sit in and read than party, so to my friends, I am declining those invites this year and don’t worry I am prettier without makeup.
Lastly BELIEVE in something, someone, a deity, a totem, GOD. Just have something to hold on to in times of despair. Preferably someone/thing you have proved to exist or work based on your own conviction. There are times that reading, talking, therapy won’t work and you just have to hold on to your belief system with all your strength to pull through situations. Personally, I am a Christian and I run to God for comfort when down and I can tell you boldly that I feel ease after. Every man needs to believe in something.
These are my tips for an amazing, goal reaching
year and I wish us all success...XOXOXX
PS: there’s a tip I am leaving out
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