So one night last week while trying desperately to keep myself awake, I had a pep talk with myself (more like a TED talk, because I was there acting like there was a live audience in front of me and being so Zen). Well i n my usual Pep/TED talk fashion I was mouthing the words ever so peacefully, a skill I wish I have mastered in life , you see I fancy a Zen outlook, an understanding personality and a calm voice but like most things I fancy these are all still a work in progress, but you can say I am working . In like manner my talk focused on something I am also working to be, put quite simply “A genuinely Altruistic Person”. Altruistic (simply meaning unselfish ) , I am trying my best in all ways to be as unselfish as possible. So a part from trying to stay awake this started from hearing/seeing the phrase “focus on your own happiness” a lot more in the pa...
Our relationships with people are constantly evolving, from nothing, nothing from being oblivious I mean, not knowing. To desire, to want, a very special type of want and sometimes to need. Extreme need, for comfort, food or warmth...just need. Then nothing, big-nothing not from oblivion of course but from feeling nothing anymore, no desire, no acknowledgement of their presence or absence, nothing. Just nothing. Nothing scares me more than "nothing" about human relationships, that friend, that person who meant so much, who made your heart skip, who you thought of first thing at morn slowly becomes nothing. Their presence or absence means nothing anymore and it's neither a cold feeling or a warm one it's just "without-". It's become apparent that there's no remedy for this, it's the way the world works and its inevitable. I however, have decided to stop expecting this, to stop waiting for it and watching for its signs...