Hi everyone it's another yenique Monday and I am doing this on the road. I hope the rest of you are enjoying the holiday.Today it's for the ladies,I came across an article online that talked about the types of men we shouldn't date and I agree with the writer. Let me *remix* her list for you.
#mr angry
This type of men can be extra caring, hot
looking boyfriend. This type of men can be
very volatile too. You will never know what
made his mood change and why on the earth
he is behaving like this. Do not date a volatile man...it would only come back to hunt you.
# 'Aww-I'm-just-a-kid' man
You should date a man. This type of guys
are not fully grown up. They are happy
in extending their childhood and teenage. You
will be surprised to see how much he will be
dependent on you.Yea I have met quite a few and they can be annoying.
#I need you so much guy
This type of guys are just too emotional.
Yes, they are even more emotional then you
girls. They can easily feel insecure and are
more suspicious. They are looking for
something safe and reassurance then fun and
adventure.In my own language let me call this sort the clingy type...but don't be surprised to find out that your clingy boyfriend does the same*clingyness* with a couple of other girls.
#The "I-me-myself" guy
This type of man will do what he wants only.
They will be choosing what you will wear,
what perfume you will use and what not. If
you go out with him on dinner, he will let you
check the menu but will choose what he will
like. It is everything about him only. He will
be using more I, me and myself.Selfish ego stricken/bitten guys are a no no for me and some can even make it a habit to look down on you and that's just bad.
The Sleaze Ball
This is a flirt guy. He want to flirt with each
and every woman on the earth. He would be flirting with waitress, cashier in super market
and even with your best friend. He will not
even look at your presence. This will hurt
you.He is not going to be serious with you till
long time. Women, ladies please don't date a sleazeball.
Yea I hope you enjoyed my *remix* credit goes to ktnptl of hubpages and yenique.Till next time, remember to get back to me, Facebook is www.facebook.com/Yenique9ja. Have a lovely week. ...mmmmmwah.#Yenique
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