Hi everyone it's a beautiful Monday and I hope you are having a swell time. I noticed that dating, relationships and even our general attitude towards sex have been gender plagued for generations. Starting from who asks who out, to who should take who on a date, to who instigates sex and so on, our roles have been set.It's not just a naija thing but we naija babes are extra shy when it comes to things like that.
So many chics have found themselves in situations where they have a huge crush and they say or do nothing about it. They don't want to come across as cheap or easy. Keeping your feelings to yourself isn't a pleasant thing, especially when the other party seems not to notice anything. However I am not saying we ladies should come out of our protective shells just yet but there are ways to flirt with a guy that wouldn't be too obvious yet a lot suggestive.Here are a few tips
#talk to him, talk about anything. Stuffs you guys have in common or generally interesting issues.
#smile or even try to laugh at his jokes. This gives him the hint that you consider him interesting. Moreover smiling adds to your beauty.
#do a little touch touch. .. tell him his tie is crooked and offer to help him adjust it, or lean into him by mistake while walking.
#draw attention to your body. ..Make him notice you. Say or do something that makes him take a second look at you, in a sexy way *winks *.
#pay him a compliment, say something about his haircut or his new shirt.You can spice it up with a little playful teasing.
After all that feel free to wait for his move and if you did it well it won't take long. It's Yenique saying have a lovely day xoxox.
So one night last week while trying desperately to keep myself awake, I had a pep talk with myself (more like a TED talk, because I was there acting like there was a live audience in front of me and being so Zen). Well i n my usual Pep/TED talk fashion I was mouthing the words ever so peacefully, a skill I wish I have mastered in life , you see I fancy a Zen outlook, an understanding personality and a calm voice but like most things I fancy these are all still a work in progress, but you can say I am working . In like manner my talk focused on something I am also working to be, put quite simply “A genuinely Altruistic Person”. Altruistic (simply meaning unselfish ) , I am trying my best in all ways to be as unselfish as possible. So a part from trying to stay awake this started from hearing/seeing the phrase “focus on your own happiness” a lot more in the pa...
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