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Breaking barriers

I have always believed there is beauty in diversity, we can't all have flawless skin, perfect height, size 5 hips but we can all be beautiful in our own ways.

This year's New York fashion week was a mix of colour, fun, style and everything else the fashion week is all about. In the midst of all the new models coming up, new designs:good and bad came the real show stoppers, one of Carrie Hammer's original designs was worn on the runway  by Jamie Brewer the first model with Down's syndrome to walk the runway. Looking beautiful and inspiring the Actress and now model took my breath away.

Then my personal queen also added more colour to the already eventful fashion week, Winnie Harlow real name Chantelle Brown-Young is a 20 years old Canadian with a very rare Skin condition called vitiligo. She walked the runway and made our hearts skip a few beats. She has been called Zebra, Cow and bullied but here she blossoms like a new flower giving us a taste of what could be. "Bye bye perfect beauty, Hey Artwork of Grace". News has it that Diesel has signed her on and there's gist of another big deal coming her way.

Let nothing stop you from dreaming or wanting. Listen to Nico and Vinz's am I wrong? once a day, dream, create, work towards your goal and pray. That's the recipe for a fulfilled life.
Have a lovely day.


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