Leaving a relationship is just as hard as entering one, especially when it's the other party that wants out. When we find ourselves in such situations we are at a complete loss, not too worry though let's go through the stages together and learn how to deal with it.
First it's okay to brood, you can think about it. Think of what went wrong and what you did to contribute to the break up. The problem starts only when you start putting more blame on yourself than your partner. Secondly you are free to be emotionally down. ..it doesn't mean you are weak.
For a while you might miss your partner and just wish to patch things up, this feelings are normal but never go through with it.Let the hurt in but don't try to get back with your ex, you'ld only find yourself back where you started. Whenever you feel like running back into his/her arms surround yourself with friends and/or other activities.
Yea we know you can be friends with your ex but don't try that immediately. Over the months when the feelings have gone down you both can then be friends with no attachment, but when it's still fresh being friends either causes more hurt or sends you into the *friends with benefits* zone. Infact for a while you need to let go of those little reminders, ring tones, pictures, gifts, old texts. They only cause more hurt.Stay away and stick to your friends, it makes it look like he/she hurt you but don't care about that. Why should you hide your feelings?
Jumping into a rebound relationship immediately wouldn't help either. ..give it time. Make sure you heal completely before you try something new. Above all don't rush yourself into getting over him/her afterall love takes time to build and time to destroy also.Try to be happy and always be active don't go locking yourself in or something.
I hope you enjoy the rest of your week dears, get back to me on Facebook www.facebook.com/Yenique9ja or add me up Olufunke Ayeni. Till next time *kisses*....#Yenique.
So one night last week while trying desperately to keep myself awake, I had a pep talk with myself (more like a TED talk, because I was there acting like there was a live audience in front of me and being so Zen). Well i n my usual Pep/TED talk fashion I was mouthing the words ever so peacefully, a skill I wish I have mastered in life , you see I fancy a Zen outlook, an understanding personality and a calm voice but like most things I fancy these are all still a work in progress, but you can say I am working . In like manner my talk focused on something I am also working to be, put quite simply “A genuinely Altruistic Person”. Altruistic (simply meaning unselfish ) , I am trying my best in all ways to be as unselfish as possible. So a part from trying to stay awake this started from hearing/seeing the phrase “focus on your own happiness” a lot more in the pa...
Yea, breakups are difficult, it gives you a sick feeling and more often, it cannot be avoided because most times, "you have to kiss a lot of frogs before you find your prince". But most importantly, emotional maturity is needed to be able to move on.
ReplyDeleteI don't think you should ever be friends with your ex, they are part of you past and I believe they should remain in your past.
ReplyDeleteYea we the maturity and I really hope break ups can be avoided.
ReplyDeleteAnonymous hmmmm you might feel different about that after some years when there's no more hurt.