Steve Harvey can be blamed for bringing the 90 days rule back guys. ..yea almost all chics who read that book started giving the rule a second thought. We ladies have always thought of ways to ascertain our man's true feelings for us but do you think making him wait three months before you give him sex is the way?? Let's explore this chains of thought.
Actually sometimes it separates the wheat from the shaft, some guys are just with you for the sex anyway and if they can't get what they want "sharpaly" they disappear. Some girls however make these rules for the wrong reasons, some think it makes them a good girl in sight of the guy but that's not always true.
Some guys however do not mind how fast you jump into bed with them, they care about all other things. good you are around the house, your cooking, your intelligence and the rest.So if you give them 90 days or not your attitude is your key.
On the other hand relationships cannot be predicted a lot of things could go wrong even after your 90 days, and sticking to something that won't work because he was gentle enough to wait is a bigger problem.
Remember also that some guys are total jackasses that would even wait 100 days just to get a taste of the honey and still disappear.
Waiting 90 days or more (winks) could however show maturity on the guy's side, and mature men are indeed hard to find. If you are the sort (*like me) who's gotten her heart broken a few times then feel free to give your rules just don't do that with your expectations running high.#Yenique
I am a terribly impatient person so I won't wait 90 days for your comments. ..let me know what you think.
So one night last week while trying desperately to keep myself awake, I had a pep talk with myself (more like a TED talk, because I was there acting like there was a live audience in front of me and being so Zen). Well i n my usual Pep/TED talk fashion I was mouthing the words ever so peacefully, a skill I wish I have mastered in life , you see I fancy a Zen outlook, an understanding personality and a calm voice but like most things I fancy these are all still a work in progress, but you can say I am working . In like manner my talk focused on something I am also working to be, put quite simply “A genuinely Altruistic Person”. Altruistic (simply meaning unselfish ) , I am trying my best in all ways to be as unselfish as possible. So a part from trying to stay awake this started from hearing/seeing the phrase “focus on your own happiness” a lot more in the pa...
Actually when it comes to working out the chemistry between a guy and a lady, I really don't see the reason why any of them should keep their hopes and expectations high, getting your hopes and expectations high in any relationship is what makes it hurt so much when it doesn't work out eventually. Just flow with the rythm and enjoy every moment of it while it last and you never can tell, it might just turn out to be the "Happy Ever After" thing for both partners. Who said you can't tie the knot before the completion of 90 days? You can make a man wait for years before tasting your honey but my dear you can't make him stay with you if he doesn't want to