Masturbation is defined as the sexual stimulation of one's or someone else's genitals for sexual satisfaction, in this case I'ld like to talk about one's.
For either genderMasturbation has been known to release tension, infact a while back whilst researching RLS (restless leg syndrome) it was suggested as a possible way of easing the discomfort the condition brings.Releasing sexual tension, letting off steam from work, reacting to exposure to porn whatever or however it gets to you is it really ok to? Am not totally against the act sometimes it is beneficial.
I discovered that the overtime effects of Masturbation are not so pleasant though
For example when you masturbate there's a high tendency of you painting a picture of your sexual partner in your head and usually that partner is extremely perfect. The only problem with this image is you hardly meet such people in reality and this makes you go back to your image every now and then before you know it you become addicted to the act.This usually happens to women more often though.
Being hooked on Masturbation distances you from your partner when you have real sex, you sort of zone out at times and go back to your mr/miss perfect or just lay rigid.
It's most times impossible to satiate the sexual needs of a Masturbation junkie.
Another down side to Masturbation is the "junkie junkie" effect, you see when hooked a little touch or a sneak peek at porn could set your hormones raging, for a "non junkie" he/she would probably wait the moment out or involve in a numb activity. A "junkie junkie" on the other hand would just look for a way to wank/act it out, constant wanking only takes you farther down the road.
*yea I know some of "us" are ashamedly hooked already how can we get out of this fix
*if you have a sexual partner please discuss with him/her.
*delete (hard as it may) all porn pictures, videos and all sorts from your devices.
*(for women) you feel sexual tension building up do not stay in bed all wrapped up, gist with your friends or find something mundane to do.
*when having sex open your eyes more often, don't daydream whilst having sex. ..look at your partner, feel his/her touch, watch their reactions,generally try to stay connected.
I do hope I make sense hmmmmn.. .well let me know what you think. #Yenique
Hmm interesting topic