Having slight trust issues in your relationship doesn't necessarily spell doom . Trust is a feeling and just like joy, sadness and other feelings it might waver.However trust is the basis of any good relationship, with business associates or family, it is quite beneficial if our partners have complete trust in us as we should have in them too.
When someone makes a mistake once sometimes it shatters our trust in them and eventually our relationship. In some cases though our partners have not even done anything worth distrusting them for, we just feel that way . If this happens, what may be the reason, the solution?
First I believe there's no smoke without even a little fire somewhere, you have to find out the root of the problem.Try to remember when you started feeling this way and what triggered such emotions . When you find the source, try to be rational.Ask yourself, are your feelings baseless? Is your partner doing something that is sending off the wrong vibes? For example you might start thinking he's cheating because he refused to pick up the phone during weekends when you are not with him, he might just be carried away with T.V or sleeping innocently.
When the source has been found and you can identify what triggered the distrust. ..have a talk with your partner. Let him/her know exactly how you feel and why you feel that way . If you are on the receiving end of this don't get angry or laugh it off as just insecurity. Explain yourself and let your partner realise it was just a misconception of your actions. Never jump into conclusions though, some people say "oh I trust my guts" that's not always correct . Some little things however sincere or insignificant can start gnawing at the edges of the trust we have for our partners, we should not let them win.Talk it out and try to believe whatever your partner says in his/her defence.
When I say trust I do not just refer to cheating,so many other things could set off distrust. Whatever the case might be, keep your relationships alive by working with your partners .
XOXO #yenique
So one night last week while trying desperately to keep myself awake, I had a pep talk with myself (more like a TED talk, because I was there acting like there was a live audience in front of me and being so Zen). Well i n my usual Pep/TED talk fashion I was mouthing the words ever so peacefully, a skill I wish I have mastered in life , you see I fancy a Zen outlook, an understanding personality and a calm voice but like most things I fancy these are all still a work in progress, but you can say I am working . In like manner my talk focused on something I am also working to be, put quite simply “A genuinely Altruistic Person”. Altruistic (simply meaning unselfish ) , I am trying my best in all ways to be as unselfish as possible. So a part from trying to stay awake this started from hearing/seeing the phrase “focus on your own happiness” a lot more in the pa...
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