"No baggage please" those would be my exact words when I step into 2015 and dearie they should be your's too.Carry no extra baggage into the new year and by this I mean, no unwilling /cheating boyfriend or girlfriend. No energy sapping fruitless relationships and even friendships. Take your self, happy and content into the new year and wait for the next new wholesome thing to happen .A lot of us stay in relationships that are not beneficial basically because we fear being alone. We pray things get better even when we know it's doomed.Let me hint, staying in an unhappy relationship is far worse than leaving it ,you would never know what is out there.Like Taylor Swift let's all shake it off,there's nothing wrong with being single for a while it's a healing process. However for all of you with someone sweet on your arms don't let the sudden influx of "hot hot chics/ six-packs-briticco accent guys get to you,stay focused .Just like the times they ...
Relationship tips and random musings